From somewhere deep within

the heart of the mystic


over the majestic Carpathians

and all the way to the

brotherly land of


long-gone stories come to life.

Early trails of ancient

Romanian trasures

still lie undiscovered

in these almost forgotten lands,

filled with legends and stories

that only the elderly can still recall.

For thousands of years,

people used to live

very different lives

compared to nowadays.

But now, most of their old ways

are becoming extinct.

So I decided to

start travelling to

remote places

in my home country of Romania

to learn more about

the people of the past…

my ancestors.


I would go with Cata,

one of my best friends.

No destination

No plan.

Only our camera, phones,

and our taste for adventure.

In our voyage, we learn from

the last people who still live the lives of our ancestors.

We record video and audio

of whoever is kind enough to agree

to let me use these in my projects.

in the background:

Dan Les

(the potter from Maramures)

The purpose of all this is

to integrate all these remaining bits of

surviving ancient knowledge

into modern digital art,

like music, photo, video

or even all of them combined,

Before they vanish.

in the background:

Dica Darului

(the hidede player from the Rosia Water Mill)

I will include the unique footage

gathered throughout these travels

in some of my music videos,

some of which have already been released

on my channels.

You can check them out clicking the button below.

Wanna help?

If you would like to contribute

and help fund this kind of project,

you can donate below, and you will be mentioned as

a sponsor on my next music video.


Yes, I want to contribute