Electric Fence,

which is, actually, the rebranding of the

former rock band RAZA, from Bucharest, is the project

that I could finally call “my first project”, as it enabled me to

put all my skills to work, from composition and writing to

performing on stage, to music production and sound design.

Founded along with Elena Vasile, who had one of the most

powerful voices in Romania, and our late manager

Antonio-Eduard Antemir, this project started out in early 2008.

After writing our first songs, we pitched them for the

Eurovision song contest, they got rejected, but we were

really close to making it to the televised show.

This motivated us to continue pitching in 2012 and 2013,

when we made it to the finals and ranked 2nd each time,

very close to representing the country.

We wrote a lot of songs in the search

for our identity as a project, changed

the name from RAZA to Electric Fence, and started releasing songs,

many of which ranked 1st on the biggest

underground radio station in Romania, “Radio Guerilla FM”.

Electric Fence is also my first ever project to use

Romanian traditional music samples, in combination with

rock and dubstep, which audiences loved in our performances.

We had lots of concerts throughout Romania

and these were fun times for everybody involved.

Alex Misu, Tudor Rotarus, Teodor Ciobanu,

Radu Moldovan, Vlad Todor, Ovidiu Condrea

are just a few of the more active members of the band,

many of whom still perform live in different projects.

Elena, the lead vocalist, has moved to Japan

where she started her own beautiful family.

Electric Fence was perhaps the strongest leap I took towards

being a full-time musician, composer and producer,

so this project weighed a lot in keeping me motivated

to continue making music, for which I am very grateful.




National Music University