Early Years

I’ve been into sound and music

ever since I was a child.

I used to be attracted to any object

that would produce noise and sound,

and could play with it for hours.

I would even reproduce simple songs

that my grandmother used to sing me,

on a tiny toy piano that she got me.

I was only 2 years old at that time, but

luckily, my parents noticed my calling 

and always supported me

in learning more and more about music.

They even bought me a small piano later on.

So I took some piano lessons

during my primary school years

with my teacher who I will never forget,

Evanthia Tzindzilonis, a very talented

and warm-hearted person.

She used to include me in

small recitals in my hometown,

(the video you can see in the background

is me playing during one of those)

where piano players and other musicians

gathered to play a small repertoire each.

I was always the first to play,

as I was always the youngest.

One time, I messed up so badly,

I never wanted to touch a piano again.


Chrome (my first rock band)